

Located in a private area, this stunning beach also has great waves for surfing.

Although well-known by surfers it's not frequented so much by the general public, but it's certainly worth the effort.

There are two waves at Jeribucaçu, a short and heavy right-hander from the right corner that breaks into the middle of the beach and a longer, but still heavy left-hander from the middle breaking into the right corner of the beach.

The best surfing season at Jeribucaçu is the austral winter. Since this spot is fairly consistent, it is a great alternative to crowded Tiririca for shortboarders.

On the beach, small huts sell grilled fish, tapicoas and drinks.

Apart from the surf there is a large lagoon, perfect for swimming, and one of the most impressive mangrove river systems of Itacaré.

How to get there:
The only way to get there is walking through the forest trail, through private property.

The trail that leads to the beach starts 9 kilometers from Itacaré, on the road to Ilhéus (BA-001).

Walking to the beach takes about 30 minutes.


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