

Itacaré is located in the cocoa zone of the state of Bahia, south of Salvador, 70 km north of Ilhéus. It is in Itacaré that the river Rio de Contas, which comes from the Chapada Diamantina, meets with the ocean. 🡢MAP

Itacaré » Transport information

Distances from Itacaré to other Brazilian cities

São Paulo:1710 km   Salvador (BR-101):397 km
Rio de Janeiro:1329 km   Bom Despacho:233 km
Belo Horizonte:1133 km   Porto Seguro:370 km
Brasília:1358 km   Vitória ES:814 km

The geographic coordinates of Itacaré are:
14° 18' South, 39° 02' West

The climate is tropical. Temperatures vary between 25°C e 30°C but may rise up to 35°C in the hot season (from December to March). The sun shines all year long and the most constant rains are during the austral winter, mainly in June and July.

To get to Itacaré by air:

The nearest airport to Itacaré is Ilhéus (IOS). The closest international airport is in Salvador (SSA). It is served by most major international air companies. There are daily flies to Ilhéus from Salvador, Belo Horizonte and São Paulo by the Brazilian companies LATAM, GOL and AZUL.
At Ilhéus airport, you can rent a car or get a taxi to Itacaré.

Rodovia BA-001 Camamu-Itacaré To get to Itacaré by land:

There is a paved road (BA-001) that directly links Ilhéus to Itacaré following the coastline. Coming from Salvador, the best way is to get the ferry-boat to Bom Despacho (Itaparica Island) and to go on by the road BA-001 till Itacaré.

Bus transport to Itacaré:

There are hourly buses from Bom Despacho (Itaparica Island) to Itacaré. The journey takes approximately 5 hours. Águia Branca and Cidade Sol are the most direct and quickest bus companies.

There are also buses leaving daily from Ilhéus, from 5:15 AM to 8:00 PM by the company Rota. Travel time is 1:40. There are other bus lines to Itacaré from Porto Seguro, Itabuna, Vitória da Conquista, Feira de Santana and the main cities around.


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