

Environmentally Protected Area (APA) Itacaré - Serra Grande, created in 1993 by the State Government of Bahia, has, as its objective, to protect the rich natural heritage of this region and encourage the balanced use of it's natural resources.


Environmentally Protected Area (in Portuguese: Area de Proteção Ambiental or APA) is a level of conservation which comes under the National System of Conservation Unit, similar to National Parks, Biological Reserves, Extractive Marine Reserves and others, yet, with its own characteristics.

The APA Itacaré - Serra Grande is about 40,000 acres in size and occupies a coastal strip of approximately 4 miles in width and 17 miles in length, bordered in the north by the mouth of the Contas River, in the south by Sargi Creek and in the east by the Atlantic Ocean. 🡢MAP

The agency responsible for administrating and monitoring the Management Plan of the APA Itacaré - Serra Grande is the INEMA (Environmental Institute of the State of Bahia). The Board Manager encourages the balanced use of natural resources and the orderly growth of regional development.

With a rich natural heritage made up of abundant rainforests, mangroves, cascades and waterfalls of crystalline water, rivers, streams, ocean, corals and beautiful beaches; this region is an example of a super-humid, tropical climate which is quite common in southern Bahia. Along with the mangroves, the coastal strip is comprised of plains and sandy beaches which sometimes form salt marshes and meet with the well-preserved Atlantic Rainforest.

This APA has many species of fauna threatened with extinction, such as the ring-necked sloth, the golden-faced lion monkey and the leopard cat. Many species of birds, known for their beautiful songs and striking colors, live in the area.

To collaborate in the preservation of APA Itacaré - Serra Grande some measures can be adopted by visitors, such as: don't throw trash on the trails and beaches, respect the sea shore, avoid driving vehicles on the beach, report people fishing who don't have licences, don't eat the meat of wild (terrestrial) animals, avoid making noise after dark, respect the local culture and spread the importance of preserving this cultural heritage.

Important points for walking on trails

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